Meghan Kennedy, Sophomore, represented the lacrosse program as a part of a group of Norwich student athletes lead by Ashley Hughes, Women's Soccer and Lacrosse Assistant Coach, who attended a NCAA Division III Leadership Conference last month. Meghan shares her experience with us...
January 23rd, I walked into a Hyatt Hotel in Jersey City, New Jersey. I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had been invited to attend the NCAA DIII Leadership Conference. The weekend was full of exciting activities, along with some boring talks. Administrators, coaches, and other student athletes from most of the DIII conferences in New England attended. The conference facilitators had us do silly camp games like the human knot and name games. We even had a session that was similar to the television game show, Whose Line is it Anyways, in which all the student athletes were required to just act silly and trust teammates.We learned all about the different leadership styles and took an assessment that taught us what type of leader we were individually. Along with learning what type of leader we are, we learned how to interact with different types of personalities. While participating in the different activities I met a lot of new people who I plan on staying in touch with. The conference was a great learning experience. I was really able to step outside of my safety zone and just had a great time. I learned a lot about leadership and hopefully I can put what I learned to use on the playing field as well as around campus.